“TLC was truly a life saver for us, especially for Tessa's development. She has made much progress there and is showing us more "tricks" daily that she has picked up. She's started cruising and has found ways to get to almost everything she wants.”
- Erin Cockrell; Hudson, Ohio |
TLC Academy for Young Children understands that your child’s education starts the day they are born. Children are natural born researchers and as early childhood educators it is our mission to embrace and encourage their curiosity. Our emergent style of curriculum allows us to follow your child's lead and build an excitement and love for learning!
The heart of our curriculum is rooted in the natural wonder of each child. Children have ideas, questions, and a desire to learn new things and it is our responsibility to listen and observe closely in order to plan for discovery. By implementing a project approach to learning the teachers are able to create units of study that are exciting to children and answer some of their burning questions. Teachers use observations of play, discussions with children, and other documentation to determine areas of interest to explore with children. The teacher acts as a facilitator in the classroom and walks alongside the children in their explorations. It is our desire to encourage children to wonder, create, and question the world around them in order to create a life-long love of learning! |